Formation Houses
Inigo Niwas is the Candidates House of the Jamshedpur Jesuit Province situated in Lupungutu in Chaibasa. Candidacy programme is a period of “come and see” where boys after matriculation are admitted. During these two years candidates not only do their Intermediate studies but they are also groomed in Spoken English and spirituality. Here their vocation is nurtured and tested. Candidates mostly come from Jharkhand and Odisha. After the completion of candidacy programme they go to pre-novitiates of other provinces namely Calcutta, Bhopal and Allahabad for further formation.

Meet our Candidates
Take a peek inside Inigo Niwas
Jesu Bhavan, Jamshedpur
The new Novitiate is located on a picturesque site, by the side of the Subarnarekha river. It is an ideal place for prayer and recollection, and very close to Jamshedpur city. Through a generous gift of Mr & Mrs John D’Costa, the former owners of the land, the dream of Jamshedpur Province in having its own Novitiate was finally realized. The novitiate has grown from humble beginnings and is well established with a regular team of Jesuits to cater to the immediate and initial formation of Jesuits to be.