With a deep sense of pain, anguish and hope, we have surrendered Fr. Stanislaus Lourduswami, SJ (Stany Swamy), aged 84, to his eternal abode on 5 July 2021, the author of life and who gave him a mission to work among the Adivasis, Dalits and other marginalized communities so that the poor may have life and life to the full, with dignity and honour. He was a Jesuit for 64 years and a priest for 51 years.
On behalf of the Jesuits of Jamshedpur Jesuit Province, I express my deepest condolences to the family members, friends, lawyers, well-wishers and all those who stood by Fr Stan Swamy and prayed for him during this moment of trial and suffering. The Society of Jesus, at this moment, recommits itself to take forward the legacy of Fr. Stan in its mission of Justice and Reconciliation.
May God grant eternal rest to Fr Stan Swamy. May his soul rest in Peace.