Legal Aid
Love is the ultimate means and end as per Christian vision. But, we often forget that justice is there as minimum in love. In the process of attaining love, we often try to bypass justice which is an irreparable mistake. Justice is the first step in attaining love.
Legal ministry, though inspired by love, revolves around justice. It was an integral part of the mission of the early missionaries of Chotanagpur. Frs. Constant Lievens and Hoffmann, especially, led the way by using legal ministry as the vehicle to communicate kingdom values.
Inspired by the call of Jesus and following the footsteps of early missionaries of Chotanagpur, the Jesuits involved in legal ministry of Jamshedpur Province try to reach out to the masses at the margins by providing assistance in a relatively complex justice delivery system. Practicing in various courts of the states of Jharkhand and Odisha, mostly advocating the causes of the poor and conducting legal awareness/ training programmes for various focus groups, Jesuit advocates attempt to establish the rule of justice in these states.
Thomas Nelliakunnel SJ, Sunil Xess SJ, Benjamin Lakra SJ and Peter Martin SJ are the Jamshedpur Jesuits at present practicing at various courts in the states of Jharkhand and Odisha.

Tom Nellikunnel S J

Peter Martin S J

Sunil Xess S J