Seed that Grew
By a decree of the General of the Jesuits, Very Reverend Father John Baptist Janssens, dated February 2, 1947, the new Jamshedpur Mission was created, carved from parts of Ranchi and Calcutta Missions. The geographical area covered by this second American Mission included the civil districts of Manbhum and Singhbhum, and the old states of Kharswan and Saraikela. The Mission was named after the principal city of the region, Jamshedpur, and was entrusted to the concern of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus in the United States. This was to be a mission very different from the already existing (since 1921) American Mission in Patna. The Missionaries to Jamshedpur landed in a new and free India born at midnight on August 15, 1947.
Province Timeline